
Maria Bregman spoke at Literary Events at the Queen Mary Rose Gardens

Culture in UK03/06/22 23:391.2K🔥

The guest of the club was the talent writer Maria Bregman. During her reading in the Queen Mary Garden, she read excerpts from her new book “Merging with Light” and discussed her characters and plots with readers who attended. There was a lot of interest among readers in meeting the author, learning more about her work, and getting to know her.

Audience members were given a peek behind the scenes of the creative process as the writers discussed life, poetry and prose.

During the event, no seat was empty: people from all walks of life were eager to hear their favorite authors read from their latest works.

During the meeting, writers signed books and talked to everyone in the audience despite their busy schedules. After the readings, the writers answered readers' questions and discussed literature and reading in today’s society. Authors were available to speak with the audience. Everyone who was there had an interesting experience, making London the literary capital of the world and a true testament to the quality of writing in the city.

A real celebration of literature took place at the Literary Meetings in London.

London’s Glagol literary club will continue to hold its Literary Meetings, which are so popular with readers of all ages.

There is something for everyone at the Literary Meetings, whether you are a reader or not. Get ready for the Queen Mary Rose Gardens next month and mark the date in your diary.

Correspondent Evan Harvey, Literature Initiative




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